
Developer Information

API Endpoint

Steps to Call the API as Form-Data

Follow these steps to call the API from tools like Talend or Postman:

  1. Copy the Endpoint URL
  2. Select the method as "POST"
  3. Set the Headers to be "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"
  4. Select the X-File-Extension: pdf or docx
  5. Select the x-rapidapi-host: document-json-extractor.p.rapidapi.com
  6. Select the x-rapidapi-key: ae11c670c7msh6ab48d269aaae33p125fdcjsn66d3b32c1224
  7. Set the BODY to be of type "Form"
  8. Enter the name as "file" and choose "File" instead of text for the upload option
  9. Choose a structured or templated file to convert into JSON structured data
  10. Upload the file and hit "Send"
  11. The response will be "200 OK" if the request is successful

Steps to Call using Binary upload

Follow these steps to call the API from tools like Talend or Postman:

  1. Copy the Endpoint URL
  2. Select the method as "POST"
  3. Set the Headers to be "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"
  4. Select the X-File-Extension: pdf or docx
  5. Select the x-rapidapi-host: document-json-extractor.p.rapidapi.com
  6. Select the x-rapidapi-key: ae11c670c7msh6ab48d269aaae33p125fdcjsn66d3b32c1224
  7. Set the BODY to be of type "binary"
  8. select the files to be upload
  9. Note: Choose a structured or templated file to convert into JSON structured data
  10. Upload the file and hit "Send"
  11. The response will be "200 OK" if the request is successful

Sample Python requests

Use the below code to make python based requests
