API Endpoint
Steps to Call the API as Form-Data
Follow these steps to call the API from tools like Talend or Postman:
- Copy the Endpoint URL
- Select the method as "POST"
- Set the Headers to be "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"
- Select the X-File-Extension: pdf or docx
- Select the x-rapidapi-host: document-json-extractor.p.rapidapi.com
- Select the x-rapidapi-key: ae11c670c7msh6ab48d269aaae33p125fdcjsn66d3b32c1224
- Set the BODY to be of type "Form"
- Enter the name as "file" and choose "File" instead of text for the upload option
- Choose a structured or templated file to convert into JSON structured data
- Upload the file and hit "Send"
- The response will be "200 OK" if the request is successful
Steps to Call using Binary upload
Follow these steps to call the API from tools like Talend or Postman:
- Copy the Endpoint URL
- Select the method as "POST"
- Set the Headers to be "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"
- Select the X-File-Extension: pdf or docx
- Select the x-rapidapi-host: document-json-extractor.p.rapidapi.com
- Select the x-rapidapi-key: ae11c670c7msh6ab48d269aaae33p125fdcjsn66d3b32c1224
- Set the BODY to be of type "binary"
- select the files to be upload
- Note: Choose a structured or templated file to convert into JSON structured data
- Upload the file and hit "Send"
- The response will be "200 OK" if the request is successful
Sample Python requests
Use the below code to make python based requests